Norwegian version of this page

Spring Conference 2015

The annual CRIStin spring conference will in 2015 be held on April 20th-21st, at Hotel Bristol in the center of Oslo.

Download delegate list


Monday April 20

0830-1000 Registration and exhibition
0900-0945 "Library consortia for beginners" (consortia participants only)
1000-1230 Internal meeting (consortia participants only)                           
1230-1330 Lunch and exhibition
1330-1415 Electronic Resources in Research and Education - Challenges and Opportunities: Ståle Sand Kalkvik, NTNU
1415-1425 Break
1445-1600 Parallel sessions
Exhibition hall:
1425 - 1445: ProQuest, Martin Blomkvist, ProQuest
1445 - 1505: JBI: Presentasjon av ny prissettingsstruktur. Ingrid Gjelsvik, Technical Support, Wolters Kluwer
1505 - 1525: PressReader: Justin Kimura, Market Development Manager, PressReader
Conference hall:
1425 - 1455: SCOPUS: Michaela Kurschildgen, Customer Consultant, Elsevier
1455 - 1525: Web of Science: Dr Guillaume Rivalle, Solution Specialists team, Thomson Reuters
1525-1630 Reception in the exhibition hall
1900- Conference dinner Sponsored by Elsevier

Tuesday April 21

0900-0945 Usage Statistics from a Consortia Administrative Perspective: Lisa Lovén, Stockholm University Library
0945-1000 Break

The EC/OpenAIRE Gold Open Access Pilot: Aligning Institutional Practices in APC Management: Pablo de Castro, LIBER – Association of European Research Libraries, and Elin Holmstrøm Frøshaug, University of Oslo Library

1045-1115 Break & exhibition
1115-1200 On the way to Open Access in the Netherlands: Saskia Franken, Utrecht University Library, member of the Dutch Open Access projectteam
1200-1300 Lunch and exhibition
1300-1345 Springer and Open Access: Wim van der Stelt, Vice President Publishing Strategy, Springer
1345-1430 Data is valuable - so why give it away? Neil Grindley, Head of Resource Discovery JISC



Published Jan. 15, 2015 12:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2018 12:28 AM